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Showing posts from November, 2013
Believing in my past choices without regret and loving them—that is the right answer, and that’s how to grow old with style.”
Whichever path you choose, there are always lingering thoughts of the road not taken. That’s why there are no choices without regrets, and no one right answer to life. All you can do is believe that the road you’ve chosen is the right answer, and turn it into the right answer. The right answer to life is to believe that you don’t regret your past choices and live on.
Living is all about the choices you make moment by moment. Even if it’s just a log bridge, you must make a choice: Do you go forward? Do you turn around, or do you stop? Where I am now is the result of countless choices made in the past.
I’m watching this show right now. It’s a Korean slice of life drama set in 1994. It makes me feel so nostalgic. I don’t mind the passing years. I don’t mind the pains and regrets. It’s all there but I have a lot of happiness too. Right now I can smile and I’m happy.