Behold the LV bags. No... I didn’t buy any of them nor do I believe I’d ever buy any of them in my lifetime. Getting one would be akin to my winning a lottery ticket. However, the ones on top are on my list of wants, in the wishlist in the official LV international site.
What is it with Louis Vuitton bags? Is it the brand name? The prestige? Is it the smell? I wouldn’t know. I haven’t gotten near one to smell them. But they sure bring to mind a feeling of luxury and yes, richness.
There are lots of fakes going round of these bags. I certainly am not into going around and buying a fake one. I’d rather buy a locally branded leather bag or a used one. Buying a fake conjures images of bringing your oh-so-expensive fake LV to the airport and ending up with no bag when you get out. Ugh! They do love to do that in some countries. No bloody way.
I don’t think I’ll ever say I need an LV, a Prada, a Gucci or an Hermes. But I want one. Not a monogram canvas speedy 30, no. But certainly a monogram denim sunshine. I want one to use daily, to stuff with, to throw around, regardless of how much it costs. After all, why buy an expensive brand if it’s not worth it enough to stand wear and tear?